Privacy Policy is a treasure trove of online news through which you can easily read news from home and abroad. It keeps the data of its viewers and users safe.

In, the data of users reading online news is kept absolutely safe if any news and news comes to this website. And he shares his information with us through Contact Us. So we keep the information given by him absolutely safe and with safety. It is the job of to keep an eye on his information

Personal Identification Information

We take their information from our user in various ways. When a user comes to our website to read news. So he subscribes to the news letter and shares his email and other information with us. We take their personal information from the user only. When he tries to give it to us voluntarily. Nevertheless, we make every effort to keep their data secure, so that we do not harm their privacy in any way, we have set up a separate team.

Web Browser Cookies

We can use their web cookies to further improve our user experience. Users’ web browsers place cookies on their hard drives for record-keeping purposes. In this process special attention has been given to user privacy.

Compliance With Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act

We really care about the safety of children in our website. And it does not have any such content. By which someone’s feelings are hurt and at the same time there is damage to an organization. We pay special attention to the safety of children, so there is no content for children under 13 years.

Contacting Us

If you have problems with any post given on the website, you can contact us.

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